Friday, July 31, 2009


So, my mom has been gone a week now and I miss her like crazy!!! She went on a well deserved vacation, being her and my dad havent gone on one alone since they had children! She deserved to get out and live a little!! Im sure shes missing her boys though but she needed a break! But that said, I miss her!!

You never know how much your mom does till shes gone! Even if its only a little while! She cooks, cleans and listens to our every whim!! whether it be pleasant or not. Plus, this week i was sick and having her gone was awful! I dont care how old i get, i still like my mom around when i dont feel good! She may not be able to help but it feels better with her presence around! I miss her cooking! My my shes a good cook! no offense to my mac and cheese and hamburger helpers, i cant put things together homemade like mom can! One trait i hope to learn sooN!! well, i just thought i would talk a little!!!

my son took a drowning experience to heart last saturday, decided he wanted to swim. by himself. thank god brian was outside. zach got an extra ladder into brains parents pool and somehow climb in and jumped. thank god brian grabbed him before he stayed under too long!. good thing zach knew to hold his breathe! Brians dad would not have been able to save him, so Gods in control letting brian be outside too. another scare to add to the list!! wow, talking about making mom nervous! =) thats what they are for right!? anyways, mom leaves on vacation, zach takes a swim, and i get a summer cold, which im convinced are worse then winter ones! well, hopefully now things will calm down a bit! Mom will be home mid week, if she decides to come home or move to the mountains! lol. zach hopefully wont take a swim lesson again, and my cold, and that horrible frog that found its way in my throat has finally hit the road! So heres to a great weekend, where my sister turned 22, man i feel old!, and to hopefully a beginning of a fabulous week!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


OK, I saw this on myspace, a friend had it as a bultin and i thought it was funny so i wanted to share!! Just as a joke, but if the shoe fits!! LOL

For all those men who say, Why buy a cow when you can get the milk for free. Here's an update for you: Nowadays, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage. Men are like....
1. Men are like Laxatives. They irritate the crap out of you.
2 Men are like Bananas The older they get, the less firm they are.
3. Men are like Weather Nothing can be done to change them.
4. Men are like Blenders You need One, but you're not quite sure why.
5. Men are like Chocolate Bars . Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips.
6. Men are like Commercials You can't believe a word they say.
7. Men are like Department Stores ... Their clothes are always 1/2 off!
8. Men are like .. Government Bonds ... They take soooooooo long to mature.
9. Men are like .. Mascara . They usually run at the first sign of emotion.
10. Men are like Popcorn They satisfy you, but only for a little while.
11. Men are like Snowstorms You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last. ok, WHERE HAVE I HEARD THIS BEFORE!!!??YOU KNOW WHO!!! LOL
12! . Men are like Lava Lamps . Fun to look at, but not very bright.
13. Men are like Parking Spots All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped

Just thought i would share! have a fabulous day!!

Friday, July 17, 2009


I have been a stay at home mom since october, to me this is my JOB!!! No, i do not get paid, and no i do not leave home, but for me this is my job. Some people may say oh thats easy, all you do is sat at home all day! WRONG!! Yes, i sit but its not constant, plus do you have a two year old!! OMG can you say one big fat ball of energy! He does not know or wants to rest. Doesnt know how to be easy! Everything is fast, go go and go! Also, he does not know how to listen! Its constantly running after him geting him out of the stuff he knows hes not suppose to be into, and trying to get him to learn what no means! THIS IS MY JOB! Some people, mentioning no names, but a very hard headed man in my household, says this is easY!! I just dare him to do it! He works all day yes, but i do to! UGH!!!! mEN!!! LOL
Being a full time work is hard work. It takes all kinds of things. Patience, so you dont kill them, and love. Youre a teacher, babysitter,janitor, waitress, and a server. I love my kids to death and would not trade them for the world. I consider it a previledge to stay at home with them. I am there for all the milestones and see every bump and tear and laugh and smile along the way. Yes, i do not know how long i can have this priveledge, but right now i make the best of it. I wish everyone had the opportunity to stay home. Some days i wanna pull my hair out, but they are still joyful to spend them with my children. Everyone should do it a while just to see how stressful and how hard it is. It takes a lot out of you, but you wouldnt trade it for anything.
My kids know i love them. They show me how to be a good mom. When they put their little arms, or hands around your neck and squeeze how can you not love what you do! Your the most important person in the world to them!
Some kids dont get that, some never know they are special. I will never understand how a mother can abuse her kids. They came out of you, a special bond is there. I will never understand how a mother could hurt something so small and fragile. So helpless. I watch some mothers and fathers igmore their children and all i wanna do is shake them! They can tell if they are wanted, and loved. Show them you love them!!!
Anways, ill get off my soapbox now! I just want people to respect stay at home moms. Lots of people dont. and Its not right. GOD gave them to you, dont take them for granted.
I would be no one without my boys. They teach me something everyday. Every second. Being a mom, its the best job anyone could have!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Harry not telling, just my thoughts.

OK, so Harry Potter has done it again. Leaving me on the edge of my seat, waiting for the big finish!!! It took me a while to get into these movies, which anyone who knows me knows how slow my brain works, part of my blondness, because the movies are so full of imformation and so long!!! You have to watch every detail every mintue or you or completely lost! Well, i think i have finally been able to sit down and watch most of all of them now, and they are fascinating. To see how one mind can come up with a story line so complex is unbelieveable to me.

The Half blood prince, just came out in theaters, is amazing! yet, its very boring compared to the others at the same time. Im not gonna give anything away for those of you who have not had the oppurtunity to see it, but you so should!! I ablsolutely cant wait till the last two comes out to finish the story.

I found myself laughing and crying and riding along the way with the gang of magicians thinking about what they can come up with next, only to shocked once again! JK Rowlings is an incredible author. I never read the books, they are huge and i barely have time to read these days anyways, but the movies are awesome!! I am anxiously awaiting the next two years to see how the story twists and turns and excites us all once again!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My life, as I know it...

Hey all, so Im a little new at this, one of my dear friends introduced me to this wild and crazy thing known as a blog. lol. I hope you enjoy, and i will try not to bore you to tears. Life as certainly changed since high school for me. Five years has passed, crazy in itself, and I have come so far in such a short time.

It seems like its been forever since high school, the days in which drug by. For me, high school was only one big sand box. Preps, jocks, cowboys(or wanna bes) to the nerds and the plain janes, where I seemed to stay, which most days didnt bother me one bit. Why try to be something that you werent? Plus, those other people just judged and turned against each other so who wanted to be like that? No wy. Anywho, high school has been long gone, and I appreciate all God taught me through the many hardships and lessons along the way.

College, or the lack of it, was another bump in the road. Working 40 plus hours proved too difficult for me, being lazy and sleeping through classes. Tried to improve my second semester only to take a really hard class, and fail. SO meanless to say my gpa was too low for financial aid and i no longer attended. I decided to move back home and start looking for a job. Well, that accomplished one thing, bordem and living with my little sister. All of you that have one know exactly what i mean, terrible. lol. Well, to this day i regret the whole school situation and hopefully hope to return one day, but thats another story....

Well, along came Brian Hatton. Thats enough said. LOL. I had been in one of those stupid on and off relationships for about three years. I finally got up the balls, and the brains to end that for good. It was very difficult at that age, thinking you "love" and lost, which really turned out to be all my imagination. I was heartbroken and alone and here came brian. I had been friends with him for a while through that relationship and he was always there encouraging me, never judging, and always a shoulder to lean on. I always think God put me in those circumstances at that point in time to teach me what true love could be, and show me what i had was not what he intended. God showed me alot through Brians friendship at first which eventually turned into something i never knew i was missing. Something that i thank my God for every single day. Love. Unconditional, no matter what you do wrong, grow old with me kind of love.

Ok, you know me. Romantic all the way to my core. lol. My mother raised us on love stories and one day i hoped my prince would come. lol. yea yea. I know what youre thinking. Brian, prince charming?? ok. haha well, when i least expected it, it came. I didnt chase after it, which was a whole new thing for me, and i never felt prisoned. Brian isnt perfect, by no means. lol. He was the work all day come home greasy prince charming that took me for a loop. At first i was so hesitant. I didnt wanna let go and grab something new. Something scary. I was fooling myself, and no one else that we were "just friends". Well, that soon changed as two months later, we were engaged, i know super fast right?....

Well, April 22,2006 Brian and I tied the knot. It was the best day of my life. So Far. God was in the center, leading and we followed what we thought was to be what he intended us to do. Its been difficult in some levels but we live everyday to the fullest, putting God in the center and letting him hold our reigns. We love each other everyday more and more than the last. I never realized how it felt to be totally committed heart and soul to one person, and have them committed to you in the same way. Unconditional love. Thats all i know how to describe it.

OK, yes, here it comes. On my honeymoon, poor little innocent stephanie, which i am very proud of thank you, in this day and age, got herself pregnant. Lets just say, I was shocked, scared and very overwhelmed. Silly me, was planning on getting on birth control after we got home, but needless to say, didnt even think about it before the wedding, being we through it together so fast. Anyways, newlyweds, pregnant and feeling a little bit anxious. After the shock wore off and i confirmed the pregnancy we were super excited. I always think what it would have been nice to wait a couple years to have us time, but now i would have never changed it. Zachary arrived in january of 2007, which was exactly nine months after our wedding. Of course people talked, like normal cause i guess they dont have anything else to do. My parents raised me in church and i had morals that i stuck to, so those of you who know me knew that those rumors were as false as me walking on the moon. lol. Anyways, Zach was the apple of our eye. Looking just exactly like his daddy and acting like him too, which i dont know if thats a blessing or not, lol. Zach is now a typical two and a half year old with the energy and stubbornness to prove it! I love him with all that is in me, and thank God everyday for letting me be a mom. I can only hope to be as good of one to him as my mom has been to me. Being a mom has got to be the greatest role on this earth.

Two years later, after much thought, we decided to add to our family. With as much love we had for each other and for Zach we had Logan this last Febuary(09). Hes growing up soo fast and i cant believe of all the precious memories i have already recieved. God is so good. Logan looks and acts more like me and my dad, which scares brian. lol. Hes just jealous. Logan is definitely his own boy.

Well, I guess that is me. My family is my world. My friends keep me going. And God keeps us all in his hands. I have never felt more happy and blessed. Im in the process of trying to start up my own quilting,sewing business which proves harder than i thought, and hope to go to school next fall. Brian still works at Kimray, which he loves and hopes to become a supervisor next year. Zach drives me crazy and Logan just coos, but all in all, this is my little corner of the world. My happy little corner of the world. Not perfect, just us... Happy. Some days more than others, but just as happy as i ever dreamed of being.