Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 2013...The ups and downs

Well this has been an interesting month so far. The first week we had baby home mom, Zach, Brian and I all got the stomach bug. Man we were sick so the first week baby was home he had a sleep over with grandma on our couch! Fun! Well that just led to the scariest week of my family's lives. I woke up Tuesday morning the 7th with the shakes, chills, dizzy, ran into the wall going to the bathroom, and vomiting yellow bile stuff. Lets just say I was sicker then a dog. Well I couldn't make myself get up off the bathroom floor so Brian and mom decided he better take me to the er, being I just had a baby the week before and then that stomach virus and now I'm sick again. Worse. I do not remember much that day or that week to follow. I was transferred to Tulsa hospital and admitted into icu. They found out I had viral meningitis. Wednesday I went into seizures, four to be exact, in the elevator and in the room for the MRI. Misty was with me and by Gods divine intervention a nuerologist was in the room with another patient so he took the lead on the rapid response team that worked on me. Thank God! And this amazing dr was a preacher! Oh how good our God is. Anyways I went into seizures caused by the meningitis and they had to put a breathing and feeding tube in. Well next thing I knew it was Friday and I was waking up. All I can remember is the feeling of them pulling that tube out was like opening a fruit roll up, pulling the paper off. Then I began to get better. Just weak, tired and Headaches from the lumbar puncture. Brian said I scared everyone too death. He never left my side. Oh how I love that man. Except of course for Zachs kindergarten graduation Friday night! I had to miss it but so glad Brian and his family got to go! I can't believe my baby is a 1st grader now! Time flies! Well I was finally released from the hospital on Monday evening after 7 days in the hospital, 4 of which was in icu. I'm so thankful for all the prayers and support my family has seen through this. I never imagined how much! Our God is so good and I never wanna forget to live life to the fullest cause u never know when it's ur turn to go. 
Tball and soccer also ended this month. Boys loved it! I'm so glad I put Logan I. Tball! He's more outgoing and loves playing with the other kids! I think it's helped prepare him for prek in the fall! I still can't believe he's old enough for school! He's coming more out of his shell and its so fun to watch his personality come out! He had so much fun with Zach playing tball. Summer time now, I'm gonna have to try to keep them busy! Downside to bein sick is that I have restrictions now. Can't be alone at al with the baby for six months, can't drive either so we will be staying back and forth between our parents since Brian leaves for work everyday at 5. I also have to take meds and pray it never happens again. They're 90% sure it was just cause I had meningitis I had the seizures but to make sure and better be safe then sorry. So that has been our month of may. Very scary and long so far but I hope to feel better everyday and get back to normal soon! Thank u all again for the prayers and support. It means so much to me to know that God has put so many wonderful supportive people on our lives. Thank u! God bless! 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Clayton Christopher Hatton

Hello guys! Can't believe it's been so long since I wrote last! I just can't seem to remember to! Anywho, baby boy number three came this last week! April 25.2013 we welcomed Clayton Christopher Hatton into our family! I had a 2nd repeat csection and everything went ok. Harder then expected, being we decided this would be our last baby, and I had my tubes tied. We since have been home almost a week and man, it's only been 4 years since Logan was a newborn but I think I've forgot everything! He was only 6 lbs 5 ounces when he was born and 20 in long! He was our littles bundle of joy and had a head full of light blonde hair! He's long and lanky like grandpa Dan with long skinny everything! Lol he's already made such a big impact on my heart. I feel more appreciative of my kids, wanting to treasure each moment cause they won't be little for long. Zach turned 6 and Logan 4 the beginning of this year so I can't believe how fast time flies! Logan's playing his first year of tball with Zach and Brian assistant coaching. He'd rather play in the dirt then actually play but hey it's a learning experience. He's getting more outgoing and I hope it helps get him ready for preschool in the fall! I can't believe his old enough! Zach will be graduating from kindergarten this next week! Crazy! He loves school! Math is his favorite and his doin great learning to read! Amazes me how fast they learn! He's still in soccer and loves it! They both adore their new baby brother! They wanna hold him and kiss him all the time! Of course it last like two minutes before they are done. It's only been a week but I think they're doing just fine. Brian's off work with us another week so hopefully momma can rest and recover a little more before he goes back to work. Getting Logan and baby and I together to walk to grandmas this morning was hard enough, had to let baby Whine at me a bit while I got his stuff ready and our jackets on. Gotta get use to that! I forgot how much time newborns take! Becky's having Jackson on the 25 of may if she makes it that long! Her and her boys just love on baby Clay too. Josh comes in saying baby baby and hurries to kiss him! Too cute! They share a birthday! Clay was born on Joshua's 2nd bday! How neat! All the cousins are close and I'm glad! Now if they just get along all the time it would be great! Love it! Well I can't think of anything else so ill share some pics of this year so far!