Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Busy Busy Busy!

Well, lets see... its been a very long time since i shared... been rather busy, with work, and chasing my now three year old around and caring for logan whos almost one keeps me on my toes. christmas was amazing... loving every bit of family time, snow and all the moments we all shared. the christmas eve blizzard landed us all at moms for two days which was stressful being in one house with my sister and brother in law... lol.... but we survived with our hair still in tact. Christmas was exciting, Logans first... zach still loving to rip open the wrapping shout in excitment then forget it and off to the next one. he had a blast.
this was alos the first christmas effie was not a part of and it was hard, we each missing her smile, presence and great peanut brittle. a carrie underwood song temorary home, the last verse says it so well.... makes me cry everytime but its the way i like to picture effie.... seeing jesus' face rejoicing. she was very missed and always thought of.
january passed ina blur... work and kids, seems to be an endless cylce which we all enjoy.... zach turning three which is crazy considering he was just born yesterday! lol but all in all its been great.
yes we have tought times, struggles to work through but at the end of the day all that matters is the love in our hearts for each other and our friends that make our life worthwhile. God is good and to be praised everyday for the love he gives us to share with people we love.